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RETHINK, REVAMP, RENEW — You can change yourself, your business and your organization.

This is a scene from Mill Creek Park in an area located about five minutes from my office. I apologize for the low resolution — I shot it with my Blackberry phone camera.When I’m working in town and in the office, I often “escape” to the park to do some thinking.

This is where I made the final decision to move my Business Journal “Smart Marketing” column to this e-format, which I am posting not only on Blogger, but to my Smart Marketing blog, on the Business Journal home page, on our Farris Marketing website, and to my Facebook and Twitter accounts as well.

I will be posting smaller, but hopefully more frequent articles — about marketing subjects, but also about RETHINKING, REVAMPING AND RENEWING YOUR BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION. It is the culmination of the last three years in which we transformed many organizations — including our own.

What Rethinking, Revamping and Renewing is NOT —
It is NOT about changing your CORE VALUES.
These should never change if they were on target to begin with.


Remember the best operating models for businesses and non-profits alike have a few common characteristics: they offer what their principals are best at, what they are most passionate about and what is needed and wanted by their market (prospects and customers).

Uncovering these components and helping them intersect is what helped Farris Marketing and our clients to be successful. It can help you also.

It is NOT about SPIN or clever phrases. It’s about FINDING THE TRUTH and PRESENTING IT WELL.

That is what I will be sharing over the coming weeks and months. I invite you to join me on this journey.

About The Author

  • Author | George Farris
George Farris is CEO and Senior Brand Coach at Farris Marketing. Connect with George on LinkedIn using the icons above.

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