- Author | Mike McKay
The animation wizards at Farris Marketing have just created another clever scoreboard animation that will entertain fans during their next visit to the ballpark.
The Norfolk Tides, a minor league affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles, made the unusual request for an “eyeball race” on behalf of one of their sponsors, Virginia Eye Consultants. The “Running of the Eyeballs” features, yes, three different-colored eyes who leg it out around the baseball diamond, while the stadium announcer calls the action.
While the animation lasts just over a minute, creating it is a labor-intensive process that calls for technical and artistic skill, along with a touch of whimsy — all combining to delight fans of all ages.
The Running of the Eyeballs is the latest in a series of animations Farris has created for teams such as:
We’ve also created animations for The Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County.
Are you awed by the marketing savvy, strength, and perseverance of visionaries like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos? Does their commitment to building their respective brands (Apple, Tesla, and Amazon) into culture-changing powerhouses impress you? You should be impressed— considering their innovative, aggressive, unrelenting styles. Yet, if Jobs, …