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Build a Strong & Sustainable Organization

Episode #3 in the Marketing That Makes a Difference Series, George Farris, CEO of Farris Marketing, outlines the five steps your business or non-profit can take to build a strong and sustainable organization.

Those five steps are:
1) Investigation – research and immerse
2) Innovation — develop your brand image and positioning
3) Communication – create messages that stand out, connect and cause action (ignite)
4) Demonstration – demonstrate results and demonstrate support
5) Repeat All – repeat messages to BUILD momentum, repeat this process to KEEP momentum

For additional “Marketing That Makes A Difference” and more information, visit www.FarrisMarketing.com or contact us: Consult@FarrisMarketing.com or 330-782-8061

About The Author

  • Author | George Farris
George Farris is CEO and Senior Brand Coach at Farris Marketing. Connect with George on LinkedIn using the icons above.