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Clinton and Bush Logos Delight and Disturb

When I saw the campaign logos for Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush — two of the early front-runners in the 2016 presidential election — I was struck by how unusual they were. So I sent them — along with logos from the campaigns of Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Rand …

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NBA T-shirt Giveaways — Conformity or Community?

If you happened to be one of the more than 23 million viewers who tuned in to watch NBA finals featuring the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors, you may have noticed noticed a pretty amazing sight. Almost every fan was wearing a matching T-shirt. Yes, the fans, not …

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65% of New Customers View Your Website With a Smartphone

But only one in four websites are mobile-ready. If your website has not been optimized for mobile viewing, it’s difficult to view and links don’t work well. Worse, Google lowers your search ranking. Prospects who do find your website leave quickly and end up on your competitors’ mobile-friendly sites. A …

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Consumers Are Still Crazy About Coupons

It was a $5 drill bit. I ran in into Sears, grabbed the drill bit and handed the clerk my cash. I didn’t even want a bag. I wanted to grab my receipt and run. But I had to wait while the register spewed out a half-dozen pieces of paper. …

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The Five Best Reasons to Revamp Your Website

Every website needs a facelift from time to time; subtle additions to the site or its features should be done on a regular basis. But at some point your website will need more drastic changes — a redesign or revamp. Maybe you sense you’ve squeezed as many miles out of …

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Online Reviews: Are They Dreams or Nightmares?

A few nights ago, I had a strange dream. My wife and were eating dinner and she asked how my day went. “Let me check,” I told her, and picked up my iPhone. “Hmm, I got four stars from an employee I let leave work early to bring her dog …

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What’s Your Superpower?

A few weeks ago, I was invited to join an elite group that was embarking upon a special mission to save the world and bring all villains to justice. There were three of us: my grandson Nico, age three and a half; my granddaughter Ava, age two; and me. Nico …

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