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Letter to a First-Time Business Owner

FOREWORD: Recently, my eldest son, George Phillip Farris went into business for himself. George and his new bride Jennifer returned from their honeymoon and used their wedding gift funds to buy a used septic tank truck and start an environmentally-friendly portable bathroom business. I’m sure that my wife and Jennifer’s …

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If Trump Blogs, You Can Blog

Yes, the Donald Blogs. So how hard can it be? One of my guilty pleasures is watching Celebrity Apprentice. During the first show this season, Trump’s blog (aka web log) was promoted. One entry was titled “Trump’s Economic Survival Tips.” Some of The Donald’s “valuable” tips: Pay attention to…news and …

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Business owners and sales managers often use one or more of the following phrases to explain poor sales:“They customers don’t understand what we offer.”” They don’t get it.”” They don’t see how much we can help them.”I ask the owners and sales managers: “Do you truly offer a distinct VALUE …

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THE CARPENTER GETS PAIDI know a homeowner that had a persistent squeak in a floorboard. No matter what he tried — glue, nails — nothing worked. After months of aggravation, he called a carpenter who friends said was a true craftsman. The craftsman walked into the room and heard the squeak. …

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ONE GIANT STEPMany thought putting a man on the moon was impossible. But nearly 40 years ago, on July 16, 1969, we did it. “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” are words we all remember.Today, we’re facing a global economic crisis, and many businesses think that …

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Satire: The Instant Cure for Our Sick Economy

AND ITS A MARKETER’S DREAM COME TRUEI have the cure for this sick, sick economy. And it’s surprisingly simple. This solution will have our economy so strong that in 30 days, every U.S. citizen who wants a job will have one. Demand for consumer goods will be off the charts. …

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