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The Biggest Trends of the Past Decade and One to Watch in the Next

2000–2009 BROUGHT BIG CHANGES Every decade has events and developments that have significant impact on society in general and business specifically. Who would have thought that after the “dot-com” boom of the ’90s, this decade would bring even bigger changes? DECLINE OF NEWSPAPERS Rarely has an industry seen such a …

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The Power of Negative Thinking

Show ’em the down side — and sell more WE DON’T LIKE CHANGE Most humans avoid change. We only change when we must. When we do change, we change as little as possible.For example, let’s say you love pizza and wings. But every pair of pants you own is so …

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Which Dog Catches the Rabbit?

FOCUS can be your most effective marketing tool Former head coach Sam Rutigliano was asked why his Kardiac Kids were one of the most successful Browns teams ever — even though they didn’t have the most skilled players. I heard him tell this story at the Valley Impact Awards. BLUE …

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Zen and the Art of Lawn Maintenance

TO FIND ANSWERS, SEEK ACTION In the past few weeks, we’ve worked on some challenging projects at Farris — helping people make tough decisions and get their messages out.An Austintown healthcare pioneer retired from a business he had built and loved. In doing so, six beloved employees had to be …

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Can a Community Create a New Brand?

BOARDMAN RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES ARE GOING TO TRY“A Nice Place to Call Home” proclaim the signs entering Boardman Township. “A traffic nightmare,” proclaim some holiday shoppers. “You must have a location there,” say most retailers. “The Valley’s new center of healthcare,” say medical experts. So which is it? What captures …

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Marketing During the Meltdown

It’s quiet. Chilly. And still kind of dark. Most of the Valley is still asleep. But I’m at Mill Creek Park sipping the last of my wonderful hot coffee and getting ready to run one of the trails around the lake. I know the next 10 or 12 hours will …

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