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Blog Archive

Convincing Voters to Pay More and Make a Difference

No one wants to pay more taxes, right? Yet many people voluntarily pay more taxes —  by voting for tax levies. In Ohio, you can fund levies by adding to real estate taxes or increasing sales taxes on retail purchases. Levies can be temporary taxes that expire in 4 or …

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M & Ms — The Sweet Spot of Marketing

In theory, marketing your product, service or non-profit should be easy. You really have only two components on which to focus — and no, they are not plain or peanut.  The M and Ms of marketing are Message and Media. Finding the right combination of message and media is not …

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Farris Develops Successful Third Annual WRTA Campaign

Farris Marketing is proud to be a part of developing community engagement campaigns for our clients, including the Western Reserve Transit Authority (WRTA). This April marked the third year of putting on the Give Local Small Business a Lift campaign and kick-off event. This year’s campaign proved to be the …

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Differentiation: The Key to Selling More

Do you believe your company’s product is better than your competitor’s product? If so, do yourself a favor and don’t say that in your marketing. Woah, relax! Don’t get your blood pressure up. Indignation will only lead to an increase in your health insurance rates, not your sales. Your belief …

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How Strong Is Your Social Media? Use This Test To Find Out.

In 2003, a Harvard freshman named Mark Zuckerberg became a campus celebrity by creating FaceMash, a website that students could use to vote on which of two randomly selected Harvard women was more attractive. Not surprisingly, it quickly ran afoul of both the administration and several women’s groups. Still, the …

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Research, Surveys and Insights

LIMITED TIME OFFER! Interactive Online Survey with development processing and tabulation of up to 100 surveys for just $399. What’s Included— 30-day campaign Weekly reports Eight questions with up to five multiple-choice answers each using our template or creating your own Area for comments Respondent background (name, gender, age, location, …

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ADVERTORIALS: Selling Down The Rabbit Hole

Guess what? “Hollywood’s Exotic Secret for Weight Loss” is no longer a secret. According to an article by Slimming Research Group News, there is a substance that reduces your belly, arm and back fat while you sleep! This “life-changing” substance is found in a product called Puravive. All you have …

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Influencers, X and AI…Oh My!

Imagine you finally saved up enough money to start your own small business. You spend 12-15 hours a day getting your shop ready to open. Your grand opening is exciting as friends and family stop by to see your shop. Some curious folks pop in and become customers and they …

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Thrive Mahoning Valley won a $4,000 social media campaign donated by Farris Marketing subsidy BOP SOCIAL.  BOP donated the campaign for the drawing held during WRTA’s Holiday Lights campaign kickoff event. Holiday Lights honors local non-profit organizations. PHOTO:  Farris Marketing CEO George Farris (right) presents the ceremonial check to Chris …

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Should You/Can You Sell B2B Online?

Change is difficult. Behavioral experts say it’s very natural to resist change — which may be why we drive the same way to work every day, eat at the same restaurants, and choose the same brands even when we have more choices. It may even explain why, to my wife’s …

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CHILD’S PLAY — Shaun’s Gaming Helps Children’s Hospital

Shaun Vaughan, ace animation and graphic artist at Farris Marketing is a gamer. And when he wins, so do kids at Akron Children’s Hospital. Shaun and his gamer team, Pixel Damage have just passed the $100,000 milestone over the last decade to benefit their respective, local, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. …

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Interview With an AI Marketing App

“Simple solutions seldom are.” said philosopher Alfred Whitehead. But that quote hasn’t stopped us from searching for simple solutions to complex problems. Small business owners are especially susceptible to the promise of a simple solution to any of the many problems that strain their limited time, talent and resources.  The …

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Christmas Miracles? Two Unlikely Comebacks

Is Santa Claus real? Bringing lots of toys to girls and boys certainly is certainly real, even if process is handled by marketers, manufacturers and retailers instead of a guy in a red suit. And two recent comebacks — an long-time marketing tradition and a much-loved retailer — have sparked …

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A Dreamer’s Guide to Marketing

A few decades ago, I was the co-founder of what was called an “advertising agency.” TV was the largest part of media budgets of clients who sold consumer goods and services. The budget was typically divided among three TV networks.  (There were only three broadcast networks at the time.) We …

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Marketing The Unmentionables: Embrace The Awkward

A few months after I got married, I was in the grocery store, shopping from a list my wife gave me. I saw that sanitary napkins was one of the items on the list. Suddenly I felt anxious. I knew it was silly — I’ve skydived, drag-raced, and done all …

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The ABCs (and X’s) of Rebranding

Deciding on whether you should change your brand name should not be as difficult as some businesses make it. If your company or product name (A) no longer appeals to the market you seek or (B) your product line is changing substantially, (C) you should probably change, pivot, realign — …

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After Marketing, Will AI Take Over The World?

Not long after I mentioned artificial intelligence in a previous column, I received an email from a reader, “Before I started using AI, I thought it might be dangerous. Now, I just don’t think about it.”  I have the same attitude. As Mad Magazine mascot Alfred E Newman says, “What, …

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Are Media Moguls Giving Marketers Too Many Choices?

Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are modern media moguls— make that social media moguls. Zuckerberg is more of a true social media mogul, whereas Musk is probably more of a tech, space, solar energy, tunnel-drilling, electric car and social media mogul. Musk owns one social media platform — Twitter. Zuckerberg’s Meta …

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What Brands Do After The Big Boo Boo

How do brands recover after serious service or social mistakes create PR disasters? All brands, whether they represent companies, products, or services, have one thing in common — people.  People create the brands, run the companies, make the products, and supply the services. And people make mistakes. Eventually brands, like …

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Can You Keep Your Brand Name BUT Change What You Sell?

Have you ever been on vacation or a business trip and spotted someone you recognized? Sometimes it’s hard to believe it’s really the person you know because they seem so out of place. I had that same experience while watching the Denver Nuggets crush the Lakers in a NBA playoff …

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How Great Marketing Makes Retailers Rich

If you were starting a business right now, what type would it be?  Would you choose a business that’s web-based — maybe a cool app or something that sells unique products online? And hey, if you’re going to invest in your own business, you want it to be a business …

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Brand Longevity: A Sweet Lesson From Cinnabon

Did you ever invite friends to your house but forget to check with your spouse? Maybe you were going to watch the big game or play some corn-hole in the back yard or ping-pong on the table in the basement. “What are you doing for food?” your smarter half asks. …

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Increasing Your B2B Sales in 2023

“How did those idiots land a such a huge contract from XYZ?” you ask yourself. “Those idiots” are your competitors, of course.  Since you asked yourself the question, you might as well answer it. “I’ll bet they have an uncle who is a big shot at XYZ.” But according to …

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Social Media Stats That Matter to Marketers

What do you say when your child complains about their math homework and asks, “When will I ever need to know what 2,247.67 divided by 96.7 equals — when will I ever use that?”   You probably say something like, “You won’t need to know that exact answer, but it’s helpful …

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Should You Change Your Brand Name or Logo?

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.” So declares Juliet in Shakespeare’s classic story of Romeo and Juliet. Juliet seems to argue that it does not matter that Romeo’s family name is Montague — the hated rivals of her …

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What Should You Post On Social Media?

“Be careful what you wish for. “ Have you heard that one before? Sure you have. If you owned or handled the marketing a small business in the 80’s or 90’s, I’ll bet you wished for a new type of media.  You wished you could reach your market someway that …

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RX Drug Ads: Side Effects Include Million-Dollar Budgets

You’re watching the game alone at home while your spouse is shopping, and your kids are with friends. Ten minutes into the first quarter, your pizza is delivered. As you sit down and lift that first slice to your mouth, as a time out is called. A commercial for a …

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How to Slice Up Your Marketing Pie

What’s your favorite part Thanksgiving? Is it getting together with your extended family, the non-stop NFL games? Is it the the turkey and mashed potatoes? PUMPKIN PREVAILS One Thanksgiving dessert is on top of almost everyone’s favorites lists. Pumpkin pie is more like a holiday obsession than a holiday tradition. …

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Marketing The New and Unusual

Has it been tough to market your business? Maybe you’re in accounting or wealth management, real estate or medical services. Perhaps you own a restaurant, hair salon or car dealership. Sometimes it’s tough to find the right message. But what if you owned a service or product not most people …

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How Important Are Taglines?

Burger King has been using the well-known tagline, “Have it Your Way,” for more than 40 years. So when they announced at the beginning of October, that they were changing the tagline to “You Rule,” they were expecting quite a reaction from U.S. consumers. For the most part, the reaction …

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The Little Company That Challenged Nike

You’ve probably heard stories about small unknown companies using unique and aggressive marketing approaches to take on and beat an established industry giant. But what happens if the established industry giant also has some pretty awesome marketing chops?  Which company wins in a war between those two?  Nike vs AND1 …

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English Monarchs: Are They Mascots or Masterful Branding?

Seems a little silly, doesn’t it? A little old lady, wearing a crown, walks out on to the balcony of Buckingham Palace. For next ten minutes, the late Queen Elizabeth offers her royal wave to thousands of her adoring English subjects, many whom have waited hours just to see that …

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Tattoo Industry Tips: How to Make Money Coming and Going

Tony Soprano parked his Chevy Suburban in front of Grab & Go Liquor. As he walked into the store, two policemen were leaving.  “He’s all yours.” said one of the cops.  Tony gives them a thumbs up. When Tony sees the store owner, he says, “Hey Mr. Quan, I’m sorry …

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How to Defy Industry Image and Kill the Competition

Imagine you’re picking up your “perfect angel” seven-year-old daughter from a birthday party of one of her school friends. You walk in and see a drowsy kid on a couch. Another is stuffing his face with cake, while one appears to be puking. Not that unusual for a kid’s party. …

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“New & Different” Sells Better In A Crowded Market

How do you increase sales when the market is nearly saturated with products similar to yours? One way is to produce another version of your product that appeals to a new or wider market. That’s what Miller Beer did in the 70s, when they took advantage of the new fitness …

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What Makes Your Advertising Memorable?

84% of TV commercials viewed by consumers are either not remembered or not attributed to the advertiser reports a study by Ipsos Market Research. Ouch! If you’ve got a lot of the budget tied up on the tube, that statistic has to hurt. But it’s not just ads on TV …

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