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Should You Use Humor in Your Advertising?

Stop reading if you know this joke….  A man goes to the doctor with a carrot in his nose, cabbage in his ears and ham over his eyes. “What’s wrong with me doc?” He asks. The doctor replies “Well, it looks like you’re not eating right.” Did you stop reading? …

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Innovation Helps Marketers Blast Off with Billions in Sales

What products come to mind when you hear the word “innovation?” Computers? Cell phones? Cars? How about non-dairy milk, fish, and bottled water? Done laughing? Good, because as the following stories illustrate, several stagnate brands in these categories made billions of dollars in new sales and with innovation in their …

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Helping Customers Will Increase Sales

I was filled with the fire of righteous indignation. “How DARE they charge me for a Starz Network subscription?” I said to my computer screen. “I never signed up for that!”  Even though I somehow justify $200-400 worth of purchases from Amazon each month, when I spotted a $9.95 charge …

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Is TV Advertising Moving to the Web?

“I knew I was in trouble when I opened the box,” said Jimmy Franklin. Jimmy is a friend and marketing consultant. During the week, his day is filled with words, meetings and computer screens. On weekends, he likes to balance that “invisible” work with something he can do with his …

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Get Growing with Strategic Foresight

“Your Toe Fungus Could Fester with the Wrong Product” reads the headline of an ad in Parade magazine. It was for a product called Fungicure. My first thoughts were, “Who wrote that headline? Whom did they interview? What research did they conduct?” I’ve developed my share of embarrassing product marketing, …

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Look Into The Future of Your Brand

What does the future look like for your brand, your company or organization? Rapid change in many markets is the new normal in the last ten years. It’s time to look around, look ahead and prepare. Over a decade ago, the Apple iPhone didn’t exist. But thanks in part to …

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FEAR: Is it an Effective and Fair Marketing Tool?

Do you think the 2016 presidential election campaign was divisive and brutal? Believe it or not, nothing stated in the 2016 debates or tweets was as harsh as a 60-second TV commercial that was broadcast September 7, 1964 — by the campaign of President Johnson. Just two years after the …

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Big Boxes Go Bust as Subscription Boxes Boom

Do you remember looking forward to going into the “toy aisles” when you were a kid? The toy aisles were always an oasis of relief from the boredom of shopping with your mother in a department store. As soon as you were inside Kmart, Sears or other department store, you started …

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