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Should You Change Your Brand Name or Logo?

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.” So declares Juliet in Shakespeare’s classic story of Romeo and Juliet. Juliet seems to argue that it does not matter that Romeo’s family name is Montague — the hated rivals of her …

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What Should You Post On Social Media?

“Be careful what you wish for. “ Have you heard that one before? Sure you have. If you owned or handled the marketing a small business in the 80’s or 90’s, I’ll bet you wished for a new type of media.  You wished you could reach your market someway that …

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RX Drug Ads: Side Effects Include Million-Dollar Budgets

You’re watching the game alone at home while your spouse is shopping, and your kids are with friends. Ten minutes into the first quarter, your pizza is delivered. As you sit down and lift that first slice to your mouth, as a time out is called. A commercial for a …

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How to Slice Up Your Marketing Pie

What’s your favorite part Thanksgiving? Is it getting together with your extended family, the non-stop NFL games? Is it the the turkey and mashed potatoes? PUMPKIN PREVAILS One Thanksgiving dessert is on top of almost everyone’s favorites lists. Pumpkin pie is more like a holiday obsession than a holiday tradition. …

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Marketing The New and Unusual

Has it been tough to market your business? Maybe you’re in accounting or wealth management, real estate or medical services. Perhaps you own a restaurant, hair salon or car dealership. Sometimes it’s tough to find the right message. But what if you owned a service or product not most people …

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How Important Are Taglines?

Burger King has been using the well-known tagline, “Have it Your Way,” for more than 40 years. So when they announced at the beginning of October, that they were changing the tagline to “You Rule,” they were expecting quite a reaction from U.S. consumers. For the most part, the reaction …

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The Little Company That Challenged Nike

You’ve probably heard stories about small unknown companies using unique and aggressive marketing approaches to take on and beat an established industry giant. But what happens if the established industry giant also has some pretty awesome marketing chops?  Which company wins in a war between those two?  Nike vs AND1 …

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English Monarchs: Are They Mascots or Masterful Branding?

Seems a little silly, doesn’t it? A little old lady, wearing a crown, walks out on to the balcony of Buckingham Palace. For next ten minutes, the late Queen Elizabeth offers her royal wave to thousands of her adoring English subjects, many whom have waited hours just to see that …

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